Jack Kirby Gorgilla Detail

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby!

Today would be Jack “The King” Kirby’s 99th birthday, setting off a flood of artistic interpretations of his works.

I’m a little late for #WakeUpAndDraw, I suppose, but I still wanted to draw something.

Doing a little searching for a fun monster, I came across this cover featuring the great Gorgilla!

Jack Kirby Gorgilla monster cover

(For those playing at home, that’s 7 people/monsters on the cover, and maybe three feet drawn in.)

And I drew my own, slightly friendlier version of it. I also added feet, but didn’t draw backgrounds or the other six people.  Fair trade?

Jack Kirby birthday Gorgilla

I like to think the background watercoloring is a cheap estimate of Kirby Krackle.  And the font — which matches up very closely with the original cover — comes from Comicraft. It’s their “Foom” font.


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