Close the Gap

Close the Gap

The Trouble With Open Shapes Let’s take a simple shape. Now, let’s color it in with the Fill tool. (“G” is the keyboard shortcut for this.) Oops!  This rectangle isn’t complete.  The black line doesn’t close on the left side. That small gap makes filling the shape in with color impossible. Or does it? What…

Three Places To Slide in Clip Studio Paint

Three Places To Slide in Clip Studio Paint

Unless you have one of the higher end Wacom Cintiqs, you’re not drawing on your computer screen with your finger.  You’re still point-and-clicking or tapping with your stylus, not tapping with your finger. One of the touch screen things that occasionally comes in handy is the ability to slide across a screen for various effects….

The Blue Line Trick

The Blue Line Trick

If you’re going through a process of penciling and then inking your work, you might have come across the problem where you miss inking a spot.  You mistook your pencil line for an ink line.  That’s because all the black lines are blending together. Blue line art can help you with this. The traditional way of…