Episode 85 of the Pipeline Comics podcast features Izneo, the Comixology Alternative for BD

Episode 85: The Comixology Alternative

There is no singular alternative to Comixology. There is, however, an alternative for European albums. It’s Izneo.com and you should sign up for it today. They have a subscription plan and you can even buy albums through their app.

I did a thorough write-up of Izneo recently.

Here’s the video version of this podcast, if you want to look at something while I talk:

Learning French: I’m using DuoLingo for learning French. I recently hit day 788 . Je pense que je suis un cheval!

Full Show Notes: PipelineComics.com/85

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  1. I was going to comment on 86 that I just listened to in my podcast app, but I can’t find it here.

    My main argument with what you’re saying there is that I make a major difference between good art and good graphic storytelling. Arguably, most comics and BD out there have good (enough) art in them at this point, but I feel that most of them have lost the dynamism they had until the early 90s. What we see now is a succession of stills, pin-ups. Decompressed dialogue masks some of that but it’s very apparent in the action scenes that I’m now having a hard time figuring out what’s happening. What made someone like Franquin so enjoyable is now totally gone. Or maybe I’m just too old…

    1. Those show notes are up now. I was just lazy (or incredibly slow) and didn’t publish a post to go along with the podcast in the feed.

      You’re right about the difference in illustration versus storytelling, but I do think most of my favorites these days are better at storytelling than my favorites were twenty years ago. (Hello, Todd McFarlane…). Even a “kids book” like “FRNK” has some great panel to panel storytelling that incorporates interesting illustrations and beautiful coloring. Yes, there’s definitely a lot of pin-up happy artists still, but I think most of the problems in storytelling is lack of experience more than incapability. They should all study the masters like Franquin, though, in any case. =)