Episode 16 of the Pipeline Comics Podcast: BD for J. Scott Campbell fans

Episode 16: BD for J. Scott Campbell Fans

J. Scott Campbell fans love his particular style, though it does tend to drive some people up a wall. This podcast starts off with a defense of Campbell’s style and what “style” even means.

Then, we get into the structure of the Direct Market comics world and why Campbell’s career has mutated into what it is today.

Finally, I get to recommending the works of three artists that I think you’ll enjoy, if you’re a Campbell fan. They are Mathieu Reynes, Alessandro Barbucci, and Jose Luis Munuera:

J. Scott Campbell, Mathieu Reynes, Alessandro Barbucci, and Jose Luis Munuera

I have a full write-up for this show. This podcast is based on an earlier version of that article. I went back and edited and changed things around after recording the podcast, so you might get even more out of the article.

I do have chapter breaks and chapter art for this episode. Glance at your screen once in a while if you’re using a half-decent podcast player, and you’ll see images specific to that part of the podcast. Spotify does not implement this, because they’d rather have you click through to their website to sell you more ad spots.

Other Podcasts: Listen to Campbell on The Bancroft Bros. Podcast. He’s not a regular podcast guest, so savor these moments…

One quick correction for this podcast: When I described “The Campbells,” I mentioned the three kids at the heart of the series. There’s only two of them. I don’t know why I was thinking three.

Photo Credit: The picture of J. Scott Campbell used for chapter art comes from Wikipedia. It’s taken by Luigi Novi. Of course. 95% of comics professionals with pictures in Wikipedia were taken by him. Seriously, take a look someday….

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