Pipeline Comics Podcast episode 35: Asterix and the Chieftain's Daughter

Episode 25: First Thoughts on Asterix and the Chieftain’s Daughter

I got the latest Asterix book a couple of weeks ago now. I’ve had the chance to read it and I’m working on my review of it. That should be published by December 12th. I will replace this paragraph with a link to that once it’s ready.

In the meantime, I sat down behind the mic to pour out my first set of thoughts on the book. That’s what this podcast is.

Spoiler alert: I liked the book. It’s comedy gold.

One American cultural reference for my overseas or younger American listeners:

If you don’t remember the 80s/90s television sit-com “My Two Dads,” I’ll like Wikipedia explain it to you at that link. Fun fact I learned: The daughter-in-law on the show eventually left Hollywood and now works as a D.A. (of some sort) in Los Angeles.

But first, sit back and enjoy this audio Asterix Agenda experience.

Should I go back and record podcasts for the other 37 books? That would be unnecessary, right? I’m open to ideas, though…

What do YOU think? (First time commenters' posts may be held for moderation.)


  1. It’s still a bit grating to hear you pronounce Vercin-GAY-torix instead of the proper JAY, but apart from that, this review brought me to consider actually reading a naw Astérix book in forever, so… Job well done? Of course I’ll blame you entirely if it’s not up to my expectations 😉 Very likely my mother will get it for me for Christmas, so we’ll see.
    Then again by that time I’ll probably be bashing in the bliss from the CW CRISIS crossover that kicks off tomorrrow, which from the tr that I might cut you some slack…

    1. Blame Dan Carlin and his “Hardcore History” podcast for my pronunciation of Vercingetorix’s name. It’s going to be hard for me to break that now, though I shall try. I hate being wrong on these things.Usually, I’m just wrong on accents because I get tongue-tied or can’t do a proper accent to make it sound good. In this case, I just went with the pronunciation I heard most and that sounded good.

      I like the new book, though mostly for its comedy and not for its plot, which is there to hang the comedy bits on.

      Enjoy your Crisis! It looks exciting, though I’m just not into that world enough to get excited, personally, for it.

      1. You get points from me for the effort you put into your work here. For the rest of the names, authors and characters, you’re doing fine. Don’t sweat it.
        I’ll bring my thoughts here after I read the new book.
        I know DCTV is not for everyone, but I’ve been a DC guy almost as far as I can remember and after so many reboots the print has lost most of its appeal for me, so I find comfort in what the CW is doing, which reminds me a lot of the innocence of the Silver Age I love so much. Not perfect for sure, but still very enjoyable.

  2. Looking forward for the review. Did you read the English or French version? Because the German version had awful to no jokes which wasn’t helpful with the nearly absent story.