Pipeline Comics Podcast episode 36 show notes, with Rene Goscinny statue

Episode 36: Pipeline and Sundry 1

This is the first in an occasional series of “Pipeline and Sundry” episodes, in which I’ll discuss a variety of topics: little newsbits, updates and follow-ups from previous podcasts, etc.

These are the things that aren’t big enough for their own show, but which I can throw together once every couple of months or so to catch up.

Rene Goscinny gets a new statue, this time in Paris.

Some exciting new books are coming out, or already came out, in 2020:

Undertaker v5 "The White Indian" cover detail by Ralph Meyer
Scrooge McDuck swims through his money bin

An update on my Uncle Scrooge Collection Conundrum

France declares 2020 the Year of the BD.

Logo for BD 2020 from the French Ministry of Culture

January 30th is Read a BD Day!

My Twitter “French” list

My Twitter “BD Publisher” list

PanelxPanel books (Coming Soon)

Strip Panel Naked talks about Morris’ use of color in “Lucky Luke”

I’m trying out DuoLingo for learning French

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