Pipeline Podcast episode 61: Static Shock and the death of the monthly comics?

Episode 61: Death of the Floppy

The DC FanDome experience happened this week. As expected, it was a branding play by AT&T to keep the IP in the spotlight. The comics world was more or less relegated to the right field bleachers.

That being said, they did squeeze in one new announcement: Milestone Media is returning! As always, the devil is in the details. In this case, the thing that jumped out at me is how they’re handling the return of Static Shock. He’s not getting a monthly pamphlet-based series. No, he’s getting an OGN and a digital series.

If teenagers aren’t coming into the Direct Market, AT&T is going to try to bring their material out to them, instead, through digital distribution and book markets. It’s the way of the future.

Here are some links of note:

DC, the fate of the floppy, Hollywood, and the Great Reckoning (I added the Oxford Comma, because it’s the right thing to do.)

Hollywood Reporter: DC’s Jim Lee on the Company’s Future

Pipeline Podcast Episode 3: The Fundamental Flaw of the Direct Market

Bleeding Cool: Milestone Comics Returns With Static Shock in February

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