Pipeline Comics Podcast Episode 62: Marvel's Fortnite Mistake

Episode 62: Marvel’s Fortnite Mistake?

Marvel characters are the stars of the new season of Fortnite, a video game claiming 350 million players.

Fortnite characters are making appearances on Marvel comic book covers, as well as a storyline in Thor.

I think Marvel needs to be hyper aggressive with this. It’s the marketing opportunity of a lifetime. And they’re choosing to lead with — variant covers?!? This could be the biggest mistake the company’s ever made. And I remember Daredevil’s armor….

Comics Beat: https://www.comicsbeat.com/marvel-fortnite-variant-covers/

Bleeding Cool: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/marvel-comics-variant-covers-based-on-fortnite-season-4/

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One Comment

  1. Oh come on man, I liked DD’s armor 🙂 Scott McDaniel pretending to be Frank Miller was so-bad-it’s-good awesome!

    Now seriously, this Fortnite thing is certainly a marketing faux-pas, but Marvel thinks niche like the comic book publisher they are instead of real-world mass market. Which goes to show that “mainstream” in comics has such a different meaning than everywhere else. And how that happened under Disney is beyond me. Isn’t Kevin Feige in charge or Marvel comics now?

    Btw, Fortnite is some kind of video game, right? I’ve heard the name but no idea what it is, you might have provided some introduction for ignorami like me, just sayin’.