Silent Comics Part 2 show art for the Pipeline Comics Podcast

Episode 22: Silent Comics, Part 2

In the last edition of The Pipeline Comics Podcast, I talked about four books Lewis Trondheim wrote that didn’t use any dialogue. They were all great books, and very funny.

Today, I’m surveying the field of Franco-Belgian comics for more silent comics.

I had a couple in mind when I started putting this podcast together, but then I kept adding and adding to it.

In the end, I came up with five books (two of which are series) to talk about, and that’s what I did in this episode. Most of these I’d already reviewed on the site. Click their titles below to jump to those reviews:

This podcast contains chapters — the cover art changes as I talk about each book, and each chapter has a link to the review mentioned above. Not all podcast players support this, which is kind of silly. I use Overcast, which does do this extra bit of work to make everything look good and function well.

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